Thematic Areas

The Standard establishes three thematic management areas corresponding to the main lines of work to achieve effective equality between women and men. Each area is divided into blocks, and each block is composed of a set of requirements and criteria in the form of actions or behaviors expected by the municipality. These are based on the regulations established in national and international laws and regulations.

Leadership, internal management, and capabilities 

  1. Strategy, structure, operating mechanisms, and decision making
  2. Planning, monitoring, and evaluation
  3. Design, management, and evaluation of the municipal budget
  4. Training and education of the government team
  5. Internal management policies, protocols, and procedures of people management
  6. Communication and internal participation processes and policies
  7. Third-party relationships


Women’s rights advancement 

  1. Political and social participation
  2. Professional development, occupation, and business leadership
  3. Recognition and promotion of training and education
  4. Policies on the environment, urban planning, housing, and mobility. Promoters of the balance of family, personal, and work life
  5. Facilitation and promotion of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights
  6. Visibility and representation of women in public life and the media
  7. Cooperation development


Promotion of violence and discrimination-free environment 

  1. Transformation of social roles and stereotypes
  2. Prevention, attention, and solution against sexist violence and the development of a safe environment